Free shipping for orders over $99

Frequently asked questions


A package is lost, what should I do?


Start by checking the delivery status online or contacting the shipping company to confirm if the package has indeed been lost. Sometimes, there may be delays or miscommunications that result in the package being temporary.

Can I cancel/change my order?


If you've placed an order and need to cancel or make changes to it, you should contact the company or store from which you made the purchase as soon as possible.

What should I do if an order is damaged or missing an item?


If you receive an order that is damaged or missing an item, you should contact the company or store where you made the purchase as soon as possible to report the issue.

Shipping & Returns:

Where does Minori ship to?


To find out if Minori ships to your location, you can visit their website and check their shipping information or policies. Alternatively, you can contact their customer service directly for assistance.

How do I qualify for free shipping?


Certain items may be eligible for free shipping, regardless of order value. Companies may offer free shipping on select products or product categories as part of ongoing promotions.

How can I edit my address?


Go to the website or platform where you made the purchase and log in to your account using your username and password. Look for an option to access your account settings or profile information.

Can I modify or cancel my order?


First, check the status of your order. If it's still being processed or hasn't shipped yet, you may have a better chance of modifying or canceling it.

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